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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

As a comment to the previous post this emerged..

I slept on my arms
tightened around my knees
which are resting on the
part of earth I am aware of

I can hear myself breath,
live life one beat at a time,
knowing that air around me
will be there,
the resting head will be up,

Loving my own smell
and loving myself a bit more
I love you as a part of the
earth we stand on,
the air we breathe on
and the scent of you a bit more ...

Monday, May 21, 2012

After watching bridges of Madison county

A woman sees a man,
he sees her
they start talking and talking
and talking,
they discover that their tastes are
some what similar and dissimilar

similarities relieve them
dissimilarities excite them
with a celebration of these
they start walking together

The child in each yearns for the child,
the childish excitement creates
many a mad moment,

The adult in each demands the adult
in the other to be responsive
in the carnal exploration
adulthood seems handy

years come and years go
similarities help in routine setting
dissimilarities lead to spoken or
unspoken conflicts

Talking turns to be around routines
Fighting around spoken and the unspoken
the inner child is silent and wants to sulk
imposing on itself a childish silence

Adult is consumed in inane things
of holding and running something
bigger than her and him put together
called life and life needs

one fine day,
a woman sees a man
he sees her,
they talk and talk and talk

How to hold on to this?