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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

our siren'dhri

Malli means,

  1. The meow that sounds like a siren - When pouncing on our legs for milk in the morning and when running out of her fav shelf to greet us in the evening,
  2. Colourful fur ball on the kitchen mat,
  3. Four gentle paws sneaking on top of my tummy in the night,
  4. A question: How can such a tiny tummy hold so many loads of shit?
  5. A noise inside the laundry box
  6. Paper balls a go flying
  7. A Toe grabber
  8. Sorry figure sitting and waiting on the compund wall
  9. Death of everything that moves
  10. Massage under the neck
  11. Wardrobe doors are always open
  12. Cat haters are tranformed
  13. A leap,a jump and a flash of tail
  14. Purrrrrrrrrrrr
  15. Noiseless meow and touchless embrace,


Chin said...
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Chin said...

:-) Big eyes, energetic window climber and early morning entertainment...

Anonymous said...

First cat I was fascinated with.